Let my Business Grow!

Program series for the growth of women-owned businesses


Women entrepreneurs and Business Angels in the Impact Hub

Enterprising women who had questions about starting or managing their own businesses have taken part in a unique event.

The aim of this program was to make more women belong to those business decision makers, investors or business owners who can succeed at both national and international levels.

On 27 November 2017 the Budapest Impact Hub at Ferenciek tere served as a home for the above event.

The program was divided into 3 blocks:


1. Successful women entrepreneurs with proven business results

At first, successful Hungarian women entrepreneurs introduced their businesses and shared their experiences on starting-up and managing their businesses. These small enterprises have overcome initial difficulties, and found investors.

Their business success can be traced back to the followings:

  • own business idea (insight) and belief
  • great ideas
  • persistance
  • dissimilarity, uniqueness

These are all important factors. Women entrepreneurs highlighted it was worth asking for help in case of obstructions, whether it was professional mentoring or financial support. They ended the conversation with defining the objectives, important values, and the boundaries of their businesses.

2. Starting up businesses – from the initial ideas to the first steps


Start-ups running exciting businesses also iintroduced themselves in the coming block.  They have talked about their missions, ’big dreams’, what were their achievements, and how would they identify their growth potentials. Finally, they have explained what they expected from life, and what entrepreneurial freedom meant to them.

3. Business Angels – What investors are interested in?


In the third part, interested entrepreneurs could learn about financial opportunities for growing businesses offered by Business Angels.

They received information on the sectors financially supported by angel investors, the expectations of the business plan, the detailed and accurate financial planning as well as the potential pitfalls. The importance of good idea, execution skills, healthy self-concept, purposefulness and establishing a positive presence came into focus.

At the end of the day, enterprising women could ask for practical advice. Besides, they have also learned that angel investors could not only provide financial resources, but also social network support.


A Jól-Lét Alapítvány küldetése, hogy hozzájáruljon a nők és férfiak egyenlőségén alapuló jólléti társadalomhoz, melynek alapvető feltétele a nők kiteljesedése, gazdasági és döntéshozatalban történő szerepvállalása.

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