Incorpora – A new way of corporate responsibility

The Incorpora program integrates the interests of employers and the society and facilitates access to employment of disadvantaged people. The program provides a free-of-charge comprehensive supportive process for companies from selection to insertion into workplace. There are experienced integration managers, working together with employers, who are experts of integrating various groups concerned – disabled, especially mentally handicapped people, women, graduates and people living in deep poverty – into the labour market.

Responsible employment types promoted by Incorpora provide several benefits for employers, and gives a fresh impetus to the social sustainability efforts.

The Incorpora program was introduced in Spain 10 years ago, and it boasts unique success: over 35,000 companies, nearly 370 civil organisations and almost 100,000 settled employees have joined the program.

In Hungary, the program has been set up based on the local conditions, involving the following 6 civil organisations:

• GAK Nonprofit Public Company (GAK Közhasznú Kft.)

• WELL-BEING Foundation (JÓL-LÉT Alapítvány)

• The Shelter Foundation (Menhely Alapítvány)

• Motivation Foundation (Motiváció Alapítvány)

• Salva Vita Foundatian (Salva Vita Alapítvány)

• Civil Impact Nonprofit Ltd. (Civil Impact Nonprofit Kft.)

The coordination of the program is run by Civil Impact in Hungary, and the implementation is supported by “la Caixa” and ERSTE Foundation (ERSTE Alapítvány).


A Jól-Lét Alapítvány küldetése, hogy hozzájáruljon a nők és férfiak egyenlőségén alapuló jólléti társadalomhoz, melynek alapvető feltétele a nők kiteljesedése, gazdasági és döntéshozatalban történő szerepvállalása.

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