
Professional development training of Hungarian adult learning trainers on flexible forms of employment and female entrepreneurship in Italy

In 2017 the JÓL-LÉT Alapítvány (WELL-BEING Foundation) successfully applied for the Erasmus+ Programme, in the category of Mobility Project for Adult Education, in order to obtain funding to financially support the study trip of three of their colleagues in Torino, at the invitation of APID in Italy (

The purpose of this mobility project is to increase the professional development of three adult learning trainers in the designing tailor-made adult learning courses for women, especially those who have young children, so that they get better prepared to join or reintegrate in the labor market. This mobility project will contribute to the professional development of trainers who design and deliver of adult training courses through a four-day training event organized by the Italian association, APID, has been working for the promotion of women entrepreneurship and other flexible work arrangements in Italy for many years. We expect that the mobility staff will learn more about the relevant Italian legal environment, human resource practices in flexible and atypical employment forms and women entrepreneurship as well as the training practices of APID and their partners.

EC Project Number: 2017-1-HU01-KA104-035501 (European Commission)

National Project ID: AM-1494/2003

More information:

Press release related to the project (Hungarian):


A Jól-Lét Alapítvány küldetése, hogy hozzájáruljon a nők és férfiak egyenlőségén alapuló jólléti társadalomhoz, melynek alapvető feltétele a nők kiteljesedése, gazdasági és döntéshozatalban történő szerepvállalása.

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